Tuesday, September 11, 2012

School It Started.....

     Well it started and when it started my calender is full now.  This is the second week of school and volleyball practice.  Kind of crazy there is no getting use to it.  The kids are liking it though so that is good.  Jacob got in trouble one of the days last week, so he had to walk the fence, and it did not bother him.  I asked him why he got in trouble and he said: mom you know me chatterbox.  He likes to talk.  When he is playing by himself in his room it sounds like there is a bunch of kids in there.  :)   Jordyn has been doing Volleyball practice every day after school and so I have to try to go to the school two times to get the kids and Joe is being stubborn about leaving.  Makes it hard.  Her first game is this Saturday and it is a tournament.  Will be fun...

Jordyn- 7th grade, she is over in our High School oh my.....

Jacob My big 3rd grader....

Well we have also had three birthdays this summer.  First up was Jordyn turning 12 do they stop growing :(.   Cherry Cheese cake.  My favorite.

Then there was Jacob turning 8, oh my wasn't he just 2.    Tried to make a Lego cake, from one I seen on Pintrest (love it).


Then last but not least was Joe.  He turned 15, oh my where did the time go?  He was so excited it is fun to see. His was a monster cake another idea I seen on pintrest.  Jordyn made the face.  Turned out great.

So we had a pretty busy summer, we went on two vacations.   Had summer camps and a lot of birthdays.  Hope you all had a wonderful summer.  Now on with the school year.  I will leave you a picture of the youngest with no birthday in the summer thank heavens.  She is growing up fast too, would be nice to keep them little for a little bit.