Tuesday, October 9, 2012

A bunch of stuff

   Well first of all started Joe on an anxiety medicine about a month ago, as we thought that would help him.  NO it made it a whole lot worse.  So then I remembered hearing that Joe had bipolar, never been diagnosed, but to some extent yes.  Well was the first time I thought to look it up and WOW a lot of the stuff is right on.  Big ones responding horrible to depression med( which is what the anxiety med was),  over the counter cold meds-which i have always said makes Joe really hyper, so I give him a natural one.    Different seasons affect them, and on and on... So that made me feel a little better.  Wish would have read a long time ago.  So then we decided to try a med that he was on before his ordeal with the dentist.  EXCEPT there is the wonderful side effect of making him hungry.  Ugh...... The other med messes with there heart and since he has issues in that area we have to make sure his heart would take it.  So we are doing a trial of the one that makes him hungry.  Here we go again....   Well it has been a little better, but he still has his moments.  God love him... 
    Next I started noticing that Jacob talks really loud, I know it has taken me a while to notice but it is noisy in our house.  So am going to take him to get his hearing checked... Just need to make appointment.
     Then Jordyn tells me she can not see very well, so need to take her to the eye Dr. Just need to make the appointment. 
     Then yesterday Joe was leaning over the couch and I noticed from across the room a bump on his lower right back side, and went over and touched it and yes there is a hard bump there, certainly hope it is nothing bad.  His pain tolerance is very high, so he never complains about anything.   But now need to make a Dr appointment for him.  So guess that means lots of Dr's.  GOD give me the strength. 
   On a good note I got my computer back, it was the hard drive that was bad, thanks to two boys throwing pillows and knocking a vase over on it... :)
   Think Maddie is getting sick :(.  Well hope you are all having a blessed day.

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